Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A 2nd transcript of the BBC series "How Art Made The World - more Human than Human" by Georgie Gutteridge

the Egyptians depicted humans that had proportions that were more normal, unlike the exaggerated proportions found in the sculptures of the prehistoric nomads. 

The Egyptians aimed to show each part of the body accurately & depict the most recognizable features of the body without it looking weird. 

Human bodies needed to be shown clearly to depict the whole person in their afterlife. 

Despite ancient Egyptian history stretching over 2700 years, their way of depicting the human body never changed - something powerful preserved and controlled this style of the human body. 

It has been discovered that a grid was used to make each and every one of their pictures consistent. 

They did this, not because their brains were hard wired to enjoy exaggeration, but their culture overpowered this impulse & established very strict rules that governed the depiction of the human body. 

Culture is King in this case. 

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