Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Louise Jennings- seascape by Lara Rabinowitz

1. Kwazulu natal society of art.

2. Ceramics association of Southern Africa and Interpreting ceramics.

3.  Seascape, louise jennings, clay, R1500.

4.  Coil building. The artist stacks long coils of clay, spiraling upward. The artist will then smooth out the edges to create a smooth cylindrical object.

5.  The piece consists of cylindrical mugs and they are glazed. 

6. The cups are very well sculpted, as the heights vary and this gives them a sense of movement. The colours are tranquil and this caught my eye immediately. The different techniques the artist used to create movement throughout the cups and the contrasting shades of blue draws attention go the piece. 

7. Colour. The colours used in the art piece are blues and greens. The colours are used to create a tranquil feeling throughout the piece. The artist also places the lighter mugs on the outside and the two darker mugs in the middle. This creates a focal point for the viewer.
Line. The lines of the cups create a vertical movement.
Texture. There is implied texture by the way the artist paints vertically using darker/lighter colours then the bass colour. The mugs are also painted wit glaze and thus would be given a smooth texture. Therefore there is infact some sort of smooth texture.

8. Yes the artist is well established. She received a highly commended award from the ceramics south Africa.

9. Yes, the cups are placed in a row directly at eye level, the way they are placed draws your eye directly to the first one and then across all of them. 

10. The piece consists of mugs therefore they are able to be used as a utensil

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