Sunday, August 3, 2014

Jessica Dawson KZNSA Gallery

1. KwaZulu-Natal Society of Art

2. Interpreting Ceramics - Ceramics Association of Southern Africa KZN region

Title: Nguni Bull
Artist: Phumlani Nyawo
Medium: Sculpture
Size: 60c
Price: R2500

4. The artist used slab building and sculpture.

5. The sculpture takes the shape of a bull and is glazed

6. I selected 'Nguni Bull' to study as it has both beautiful (smooth curves of the bull and the natural colouring) and dangerous aspects (the stance of the bull indicating an attack/defensive position) It is an endearing piece that depicts the true beauty and grace of the bull.

7. Line: the lines of the bull's body are curved to create the body of the bull and are natural.
    Colour: varying tones of browns, ranging from a black-brown to creamy whites.
    Shape: organic shape of a bull.

8. The artist is well established, with this particular piece being awarded highly recommended.

9. The piece is displayed along with three other sculptures of bulls with similar colouring but in different stances, it is the biggest of the three sculptures.

10. The 'Nguni Bull's' use is purely for displaying purposes.

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